Students protest public exam without interval


Students of different classes on Monday forming human chain and holding rally protested the announcement of conducting public examinations without interval demanded punishment of the culprits connected with question leakages.
The students’ wing of left front organised the programme under the banner of Sachetan Shikkharti Brinda (the conscious students) in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall in the city.
Manisha Chakraborty, Arafat Islam, Mihiran Jabir, Ali Joheb, Idid Alam, Atik Mahmud, Shovan, Wahid addressed the programmed.
The speakers said students were not liable, but sufferer for question leakage. So students always claiming punishment of the culprits liable for that crime and should not be more sufferer by conducting public examinations without intervals.
Several probe committees were formed, but none of the liable for leakage of questions was put under trial. However the education minister giving the blaming students for leaking questions announced conducting public examinations without any interval.

This decision will only affect the students and would be benefited those who liable for question leakage. It will also damage the healthy educational environment of the campus, the speakers told.
