Dr Matiur Rahman :Bangladesh is a riverine country. Millions of people in the country depend on rivers for their livelihood. Apart from this, one of the means of transportation for...
Debate on corporal punishment Here in the USA we are aware that Sir Frank Peters has long campaigned forcefully for school teachers to respect the Bangladesh High Court ban on corporal punishment and for parents to demand that their children be spared from it.In his provocative reports he calls for an end to this violence against children and says “Any school that allows corporal punishment is a breeding ground for terrorists”. I enthusiastically agree with Sir Frank and it should...
The Conversation It’s hard to avoid encountering the term “toxic masculinity” in these days. It has been linked to Australian soldiers’ war crimes in Afghanistan, the Morrison government’s low credibility with women in the lead-up to this year’s election-and further a field, the rise of Donald Trump and the Capitol riots.It is regularly applied to pop-culture characters as diverse as the hypersensitive dinosaur nerd Ross Gellar from Friends, the alcoholic adulterer Don Draper in Mad Men, and the violent, repressed...
The rate of cesarean deliveries has increased almost eight-fold in Bangladesh. In 2004, the rate stood at four percent. However, a recent analysis revealed that the rate was found to be 33 per cent in 2017-18.The World Health Organisation’s recommendations suggest the rate should not cross 15 per cent of the total birth deliveries. Bangladesh exceeds the standards set by its neighbours as well, in this regard. The rate of caesarean delivery was found to be 22 per cent in...
The Chattogram Port must fast-track the unloading of goods, install modern equipment, and improve service quality in order to cut congestion and facilitate Bangladesh’s fast-expanding global trade. The system of releasing goods from the Chattogram Port is quite complex. We need to get out of this as soon as possible. Experts said the challenges facing the Chattogram Port have intensified in keeping with the growth of the industrial sector of the country. Due to the continuous rise in the number...
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Travelling to get rid of monotony Travelling is a great escape to get rid of a robotic life and learn something interesting in this hustling bustling life,. Through vivid exposure, it reaches various experiences of life. People travel for various purposes, such as enjoyment, education, employment and exploring the niceties of the world. But a common benefit imparted by travelling is that it broadens the views and perceptions of people. It develops their understanding level and sharpens their ideas and...
The Chattogram Port must fast-track the unloading of goods, install modern equipment, and improve service quality in order to cut congestion and facilitate Bangladesh’s fast-expanding global trade. The system of releasing goods from the Chattogram Port is quite complex. We need to get out of this as soon as possible. Experts said the challenges facing the Chattogram Port have intensified in keeping with the growth of the industrial sector of the country. Due to the continuous rise in the number...
ATM Nurun Nabi :Allah has created mankind from a single soul and spread multitude of men and women from them twin (Hazrat Adam and Hawa) (Al-Quran, Sura An Nisa, Ayat No. 1) and to send them on the earth to worship Him only (Sura Dhariyat, Ayat No. 56). At the same time, He has given mankind property to maintain themselves and those who are weak in understanding from it. (Sura An Nisa, Ayat No.5). Allah has also said that males...
Hira Aman :Social media has become an inevitable part of our daily life. It is one of the major tools of engagement through which people can instantly communicate with each other and came to know about global affairs. We need a peaceful and safer society in order to survive in this physical world and in doing so people follow some ethical and moral principles. Similarly, social media is a digital world where people develop online connections. As digital citizens of...
Woman empowerment propels prosperity Women’s empowerment has always been a contentious topic in developing nations like Bangladesh because of the complicated cultural and socio-demographic environment. Women are considered subordinate to men in the country and are made confined to houses for the nourishment of family members. It is really an irony to see women restricted around four walls without emancipation to relish their fundamental rights. The fact can’t be denied that women are the source of the development of nations...
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder :Lead (Pb) is an elemental heavy metal found naturally in the environment as well as in manufactured products. Lead can be released directly into the air, as suspended particles. Lead poses a severe threat to human health and the environment. Many populations have been exposed to environmental lead from paint, petrol, and mining and smelting operations in Bangladesh.Major sources of lead air emissions were motor vehicles and industrial sources. From July 6th 2000, lead has...
Leaving rubbish on roads Recently the city corporation has done a very good job by repairing the streets and constructing new drains and footpaths in the Mohammadpur area. The city corporation deserves appreciation for this.But with much concern I have noticed that rubbish is still being heaped by the side of the roads. One more thing, whenever the city corporation cleans the sewerage lines, they leave the sewage just by the side of the manhole, which eventually spreads around the...
It is shocking to know that 50 Hindu devotees died as an engine-run boat capsized in Karotoa River at Aulia Ghat in Madea union of Boda, Panchagarh on Sunday. Moreover, dozens of devotees who were on the boat are still missing. Apparently, since the water vessel was overloaded beyond its capacity, the tragedy happened. The vessel could take only 50 people, but there were actually more than a hundred people on it who were going to join the Mahalaya festival...
Anisur Rahman Khan :Bangladesh was endowed with the numerous rivers crisscrossed over its geographical area from time immemorial, but with the passage of time many rivers have disappeared due to climate change, siltation and increased man-made activities.The water flow in the existing rivers is decreasing every year as many of the trans-border rivers — Padma, Teesta and Surma — are not getting enough water to keep its navigability round the river as the upper riparian country India is diverting water...
Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :In the entire imperialist world capitalist system, the most severe and deepest economic recession has fallen and is running towards the great depression since the Second World War. Conflicts between imperialist countries, currency war, spatial-territorial wars are expanding and increasing the danger of the third world war. The most significant partner in the US ‘war on terror’ in the Middle East is the worst terrorist fascist state of Israel. The issue of Israel’s terrorist activities is...
E-pollution We must educate ourselves and our youth about the cautious use of cyberspace. Our careless and redundant resorting to social media and e-communication apps enhances cyber traffic and causes digital pollution. It must be ingrained in our minds that unbridled use of anything triggers its auto-destruction.It so happens very often that posts are shared at the drop of the hat without checking their validity, authenticity and originality. We are hellbent on being noticed, liked or commented upon. The following...
Garment factories, apparel dyeing and washing facilities mushroomed in Tongi over the years have ruined the rivers, canals and other water bodies. Effluent released from countless factories in the area has turned the river’s swollen drain and filthy. A newspaper reported that the municipality authorities built a drainage system through Shilmon village for the factories to discharge untreated waste into the Hyderabad canal. Even the factories of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) area discharge water in the canal...
Impose strict ban on polythene It is a matter of pain that the ban of polythene has no effect whatsoever on the everyday use of polythene bags for grocery shopping. Someone says that there is no alternative use of polythene but if we can use all of our jute to produce Sonali Bags, then we can meet one-fourth of the global demand. So, it is a foolish to say there are no alternatives.Since September 2002, using and producing polythene is...
It is very worrying that Faidpur’s Padma and Madhumati rivers are swallowing farmlands and houses, leaving hundreds of villagers in the relevant areas in hardships and panic. According to a report in this newspaper yesterday, the homeless people in the region who had earlier received houses under the government’s Ashrayan project are now afraid of losing their houses again due to river erosion.River erosion, the natural consequence of overflowing of rivers, wreaks havoc in Bangladesh each year washing away everything...