Opinion: Youth should be made aware of energy consumption


Latha Narasimhan : Formation of clubs, holding of seminars and workshops on environmental issues, awards for sustainable efforts, competitions to encourage eco-friendly activities and school initiatives towards recycling waste and recyclable materials can encourage students to show their commitment and involvement towards the environment. Making youngsters conscious of their everyday habits to conserve energy and protecting the environment with their little acts can go a long way in teaching them to value the earth they live in. Reducing lunch waste, litter in and around the classroom and the use of paper, taking printouts only when necessary, turning fans and lights off when not required and growing at least one plant are certain simple steps that can be undertaken. The mindset to be a part of the environment starts with a love for nature. Therefore opportunities to spend time with nature needs to be provided by the school apart from visit to museums and amusement parks. Preserving their internal environment and easy mindfulness practices such as meditation will turn them purposefully into the need for environment consciousness. Spontaneous involvement works better in the long run and it should not be for the sake of competitions nor should it be an award winning exercise. (The writer is based in Sharjah)
