Weekly tea sale begins but dampens due to hartal

UNB, Chittagong :
The weekly tea sale here on Tuesday started off well at firm to steady rates but with the news of the impending strikes/hartals for the next two days dampened the market resulting in lower prices and more withdrawals.
However, a few bright teas continued to attract good support, according to a market report.
Blenders were the mainstay of the market with less interest from the Loose Tea buyers. As a result, withdrawals were more this week.
Good liquoring Dusts again sold well and were a firm market.
CTC LEAF: 34,249 packages and 162 packages of old season teas on offer met with a fairly good demand which slackened at the latter half of the sale.
BROKENS: Brokens were a good market and were about steady to often easier and the better Invoices sold between Tk 195/- and Tk 200/-. Other varieties were easier in line with quality with some withdrawals.
FANNINGS: Fannings were initially slightly easier but with the progress of sale these eased in price often by Tk 3/- to Tk 5/- and there were fair withdrawals particularly in the plainer varieties.
CTC DUST: 6,416 packages and 20 packages of Old Season Teas on offer met with a fairly good demand. Good liquoring varieties were a firm market whilst mediums and plainer types sold around last levels easing by Tk 2/- to Tk 3/- in line with quality. Blenders lent good support but Loose Tea buyers were less active.