Viral disease breaks out in shrimp farms in Chitalmari

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Viral disease has broken out in shrimp farms of Chitalmari Upazila and its adjacent areas in Bagerhat district almost like an epidemic form.
As a result, shrimp cultivators who borrowed money from banks and money lenders have been thrown in utter distress. They are finding no means to refund their loans. About 40% shrimps already died of virus diseases in the shrimp farms, it is claimed by the shrimp cultivators of the area. They are using various medicines to save their shrimps, but in vain.
According to the shrimp producers, there was no virus disease in their farms a few days ago. The disease suddenly broke out in their farms and consequently, shrimps are dying in a large scale every day.
While this correspondent was visiting farms , a number of shrimp cultivators told him that with the re-excavation of Mongla-Ghasikhali channel the salinity in the water has increased abnormally in our localities.
On the other hand, a few days ago the area (Chitalmari) experienced prolonged drought and after that it is now experiencing incessant and torrential rains. They added, for those 3 reasons the virus disease broke out in our shrimp farms, A few number of shrimp cultivators opine, shrimp fries those were released in their farms contaminated germs of virus diseases previously and that is why shrimps in their fish farms were attacked with diseases. They further opined, if the rest shrimps cannot be saved from the virus disease they will incur a heavy loss and consequently, their sufferings will know no bonds.
When contacted Gautam Mandol, Upazila Fishery Officer of Chitalmari told this correspondent, shrimps are now being cultivated on 5 thousand 9 hundred 30 farms while lobsters are being cultivated on 9 thousand 8 hundred 20 farms in the Upazila in the current season.
He added, I visited a number of shrimp farms and found that Irri-Boro paddy cultivated in the shrimp farms were harvested very recently. But the roots of the paddy plants remained in the fish farms. Those were dried due to the scorching heat of the sun and just with the beginning of the monsoon the roots of the paddy plants were rotten and poisonous gas formed in the shrimp farms.