Verdict of SQ Chy, security tightens

Chitagong Buerau :
Securities lightened through deploying police forces in the houses of the prosecution witnesses of war crimes death row convict Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury centring the appeal verdict by the appellate division .The security measures tightened in the city as well as in the upazila areas from Tuesday night .
Check posts have been set up in important points of the city and entry points to city by CMP authority to avoid any unwanted nuisances and violence. Additional deputy police commissioner of CMP Tanveer Arafat told the media that suspecting violence and anarchy, security check posts have been installed in important points of the city . Special check post has also been installed at Gani bakery crossing where the residence of the death town convict Salahuddin Quader’s residence is located.
To assist the police forces, BGB is also deployed today in these specific areas as striking forces, he added.