Van-driver dies as Tiger sculpture falls on him near Saarc Foara

Staff Reporter :
A van-puller died as the sculpture of Royal Bengal Tiger at Sonargaon intersection in the city’s Karwan Bazar intersection collapsed on him early Friday.
The concrete structure, placed at the centre of an intersection, fell on its side, smashing the van, parked beside it, at around 4am.
A smaller statue of a tiger cub sat undisturbed ‘overlooking’ the incident.
The identity of the man could not be ascertained yet.
Mohammad Iqbal, Officer in-charge of Kalabagan Police Station, said the Tiger sculpture near the SAARC Fountain fell on a rickshaw-van driver, aged about 40, due to
gusty wind during rain around 3:45 am, leaving him critically injured. He was rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where he died at round 5.00am.
However, the position of the van driver could not be known whether he was asleep under or beside the sculpture during the incident, said the OC.
The incident took place as the object had been in a vulnerable condition earlier due to the torrential rain for the last 24 hours in the city, he added.
The victim, still unidentified, was soon declared dead, said DMCH Police Outpost Inspector Mozammel Haque.