Use of arms is easy for some for the fear of others


When the use of illegal guns has become rampant in different parts of the country by a section of ruling party men and professional criminals, the government has moved to bring arms sales and licencing procedures under automation. A local newspaper in a report said that the government has taken the initiative in a bid to prevent illegal use of legal arms in the country. In this backdrop, the Special Branch of Police has launched a software named Firearms Management System by which they would be able to check the whole procedure very shortly. Making each official procedure automated is obviously appreciable and we’re doing the same. What surprises us very much is it took around three years to make the process viable, and it’s still awaiting involvement of Deputy Commissioners’ (DCs) of the districts.

Gun licence issuing is controlled by the DCs where it needs only a police report from the Special Branch. It sounds very tough. But in reality, a gun licence is available if anyone spends some extra money.


It’s much simpler if the license seeker has ruling party affiliation. In the last 10-12 years, not only the big leaders, the petty local activists have also got licences of firearms. Side by side, the number of illegal firearms managed by party cadres is several times higher. Using loopholes in the Arms Act, some politically influential persons have obtained Israel-made Uzi sub-machine guns that are usually used by armed forces.

Some businessmen, political leaders and even some councillor-ranking local representatives have managed more than one gun licence each. They engage teams of armed bodyguards for their own protection. Guns have become a symbol of power for others to fear. Committing crime is no problem. Thereafter starts police case and power of money.
