US National Security Adviser discusses Afghanistan in India


AP, New Delhi :
President Donald Trump’s national security adviser has discussed the situation in Afghanistan with India’s prime minister, nearly a week after the U.S. military dropped a massive non-nuclear bomb in the country that it said killed 94 militants.
H.R. McMaster’s meeting Tuesday with Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the first visit by a Trump administration official to India, a key ally in Asia.
The U.S. Embassy says the two also discussed ways to increase defense and counter-terrorism cooperation, and McMaster assured Modi of India’s status as a major defense partner in the global fight against terrorism.
Indian TV stations broadcast images of McMaster and Modi, each flanked by officials, sitting together at Modi’s home in the Indian capital.
Meanwhile, the United States asked Pakistan on Monday to indiscriminately fight all terrorist groups.
This message was conveyed to Pakistani leadership during US National Security Adviser Lt Gen H.R. McMaster’s daylong trip to Islamabad during which he met Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, National Security Adviser retired Lt Gen Nasser Janjua and Army Chief Gen Qamar Bajwa.
