Uncertainty looms over Aussie`s visit


Staff Reporter :Uncertainty still looms over the much hyped postponement of Australia’s tour to Bangladesh as no final decision has yet been taken amid warnings from the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada about the likelihood of militant attacks.Doubt has been mounted following the murder of an Italian citizen while he was on an evening walk on Monday at Gulshan diplomatic zone. The US, UK and Canada in fresh warnings to their citizens in Bangladesh have asked them to take whatever precautions they determine are prudent.Meanwhile, the Australian security delegation returned home on Tuesday from Bangladesh after meetings with high-level security officials without any clear message whether its national cricket team will arrive here to play Test match series or not.According to a Cricket Australia (CA) spokesperson in Melbourne on Tuesday, “There has been no change to our position on the matter.”CA’s Head of Security Sean Carroll, Australian team manager Gavin Dovey and team security manager Frank Dimasi had high-level talks on security ground with Bangladesh’s top security and intelligence authorities that concluded on Monday. During the meetings, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal and Bangladesh Cricket Board President Nazmul Hassan Papon made their stand clear that there was no risk to the players.
