Tk 5000 now if not 2 lakh later


Staff Reporter :
The routine drive by the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCPR) has created panic among owners of restaurants in Dhaka city as its inspectors are realising fines from many of them on surprise raids.
It is also reportedly using small pretext to punish restaurant owners levying high fines after complaints by so-called consumers.
Recently, the Directorate imposed Tk 5,000 fine to an eatery at Gulshan after a complaint lodge by a questionable customer.
“They summoned us after the complaint. We appeared before the directorate where the plaintiff was also present. It accused our restaurant on the ground of selling Coca-Cola at higher rate than that of the maximum retail price (MRP).
The DNCRP fined Tk 5,000 to our business establishment. The plaintiff received 25 per cent of the fine as per the new law to curb realizing higher price,” the manager of the restaurant, told The New Nation on Thursday. “It is unjust…They cannot do this when it’s a common practice by all the up market eateries and food outlets in the capital,” he added.
The consumer should also know that eating in an upscale restaurant involves service charge also. The complain by the customer is nothing but a harassment.
There are also many instances like this in which inspectors are levying fines for minor violations. “We are in panic. Their drive has made us panicked. He said the inspector realized Tk 5000 on the spot and said if not paying now you will pay two lakh later.  
The DNCRP is empowered to take punitive actions against violations of consumers’ rights, including adulteration of food stuffs and selling goods and products at higher rates than maximum retail price.
