Tillerson`s sacking was not a surprise yet he deserved respect

TILLERSON’S firing did not come as a surprise, Trump sacks anyone anytime. The cruel fact is that the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson may be fired anytime was well anticipated over three months ago. What’s, however, shocking is that Donald Trump shows no sense of respect towards him in not following official formalities while firing the top diplomat of his government.

He not only sacked Tillerson by a mere informal twit, Tillerson was shown no official cause for being sacked, in fact, he was not even informed in advance and Mr. Trump continues to show unprecedented whims to hire and fire key personnel at the Whitehouse. His government is purely based on his whims and personal enmity.

While meeting the press over firing Tillerson, Mr. Trump mentioned a number of issues – America’s handling of North Korea, national security, disagreements over Iran nuclear deal and etc. What we mark from our end, Mr. Trump has made a cruel mockery of the American government. He has practically turned the Whitehouse and his cabinet into a private corporate house, where only he and what he thinks matters the most. His impulsive style of running the most powerful country in the world is deeply worrying for the world. The US has already become a weak leader of the world in defence of human rights.


His action evidently portrays how a powerful global power has become vulnerable into the hands of an unpredictable and whimsical President. More to it, those who have followed Mr. Trump on his TV reality show will undeniably agree that he is running the country in the same fashion, but in a different modality and position.
In the wake of more than a dozen firings in the last couple of months, it’s difficult to understand how the American government is functioning, especially when Mr. Trump has made the faculties of free and rational thinking and independent decision-making immobile.

We believe, the firing of Tillerson will make many senior diplomats and bureaucrats skeptic about their decisive roles in the government. Understandably many may get oddly appointed and also unreasonably sacked for disagreeing with Trump in the days ahead, but the sad part is America is fast losing its credibility as a strong and dependable leader of the free world.
