Teenage girl found murdered, youth commits suicide

A Correspondent :
A teenager was found murdered in Chattogram on Friday, said police.
The law enforcers recovered the body of Lima Akhter from a ditch near the 17-year-old’s Khuruskul residence in Anwara. They also detained a man in this connection.
Lima’s hands and legs were tied and there was bruise on her neck, said Anwara Police Station Officer-in-Charge Dulal Mahmud.
The family started searching Lima after her mother did not find her on bed around 3am, the OC quoted them as saying.
The family found the main door open and spotted the body in the ditch behind their house, said the police officer.
During search, locals found the 25-year-old man near the ditch and beat him up, said OC Dulal.
Lima, daughter of Mohammed Hossain, was a shoe factory worker. No case was filed till yesterday afternoon.
Chittagong Zoo was also crowded with visitors. Over 35,000 people visited it during last three days, said officials.
Besides, Naval Academy Road at the estuary of Karnaphuli, Karnaphuli Park, Kazir Dewri Park and Butterfly Park were also abuzz with people.
UNB from Cox’s Bazar reports: A young man reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself following a tiff with his wife over Eid clothes at Bharukhali village in Pekua upazila on Wednesday night.
The deceased was identified as Nasir Uddin, 24, son of Zia Uddin of the village.
Quoting locals, Shafiqur Rahman, sub-inspector of Pekua Police Station, said Nasir’s wife Akia Begum did not like the clothes Nasir bought for her on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. On Wednesday, the couple had an altercation over the issue.
Nasir hanged himself from the ceiling of his house around 10:30pm in huff over the incident, he said.
On information, police recovered the body and sent it to local hospital morgue for autopsy, the police officer said.
