Stocks maintain downward trend on both bourses

Economic Reporter :
Stocks maintained downward trend today as all indices on the country’s both bourses-Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE)-witnessed a fall due to low trading activities.
Following Sunday’s falling trend, the boarder DSEX index of DSE settled at 5806.13, shedding 7.15 points. The blue-chip DS 30 also followed the same trend with 7.21points down at 2179.85. The Shariah DSES closed the day with 5.19 points down at 1348.26.
Turnover, a crucial indicator of the market, stood at 485.67 crore on the DSE, which was Tk 492.41 crore on Sunday. The daily trade volume declined to 12.21 crore shares from Sunday’s 13.61 crore shares.
Out of 336 issues traded, 152 declined, 130 advanced and 54 remained unchanged on the DSE trading floor.
The top five gaining issues were – Aziz Pipes, NCCBL 1st Mutual Fund, FAS Finance, Libra Infusion and Rupali Life Insurance while the top five losers were Central Insurance, Janata Insurance, Advent Pharma, Purabi General Insurance and Peoples Leasing.
In the port city, the CSE also saw a downward trend with its major CASPI index losing 77.48 points to stand at 17838.20.
Of the issues traded on the day, 82 gained, 131 declined and 28 remained unchanged. The CSE traded 77.54 lakh shares and mutual fund units worth nearly Tk 36.51crore in turnover.