Six-Point Day observed

UNB, Dhaka :
The historic Six-Point Day was observed on Sunday in the country commemorating the placing of the demand for autonomy for the erstwhile East Pakistan.
The day’s programmes began with hoisting national and party flags atop Awami League (AL) offices across the country and at city’s Bangabandhu Bhaban at dawn.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid rich tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing a wreath at his portrait in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi marking the day.
After laying the wreath,
the Prime Minister stood there in solemn silence for some time as a mark of respect to the memory of Bangabandhu, the architect of independence.
Flanked by senior Awami League leaders, Sheikh Hasina placed another wreath at Bangabandhu’s portrait as the party chief.
On this day in 1966, Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for a daylong hartal throughout the East Pakistan pressing the demand for autonomy to end the exploitation, deprivation, subjugation and tyranny let loose by the central government of Pakistan on the people of the eastern province.
At the call of Awami League, the people of the then East Pakistan joined the six-point movement spontaneously and observed the dawn-to-dusk hartal across the province.
The law enforcers opened fire on the demonstrators at various places in Dhaka and Narayanganj, which left at least 10 people killed, intensifying the movement for the provincial autonomy.
The ruling AL, its associate bodies, other political parties and socio-cultural organisations observed the day with various programmes.
Meanwhile, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have issued separate messages recalling the sacrifices of the heroic Bangalis in the six-point movement.