Commentary: Set examples by attracting people to join: Invading in a show of power attracts other powers


Editorial Desk :
By principle we are not against any country as we believe in peace and friendship with all other countries. We do not follow communism because we believe that a country belongs to the people who live there and historically no country can base its claim on another country just because once it was part of that country. It is not great wisdom to understand how such a policy can lead to the turmoil of rewriting history world over.
We shall have to go back to the history of empire building of the mighty ones. To live with such a theory one has to remember that even the mightiest country will cease to exist within minutes if a nuclear war is unleashed by accident. Why talk about a nuclear war, a conventional war can also wreak havoc on warring nations. Therefore, a war in our times should not be taken lightly.
For quite some time now Taiwan has been in the focus of media as well as international diplomacy. China that claims the democratically self-governed Taiwan as its own repeatedly had urged it not to harbour the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and warned that it would face serious consequences for such an action.
We do not understand why China reacted so angrily to the visit of Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan even though it has accepted the Chinese government’s assertion that Taiwan is part of China. So many American leaders have been visiting China and China has become an economic superpower with America’s huge investment.
It is the politics of the democratic world that power tends to make rulers arrogant. That is why there is so much emphasis in checks and balances of power in a democracy.
Especially in countries not so developed, dictatorships are taking advantage of corrupting the army and the police, and are posing as new kings or emperors. They rule and treat their people like slaves who do not have ownership of the country and rights of their own. So we are witnessing the new rise of kings and
emperors without a blood line. The world has become dangerously armed for its own destruction. The arrogance of power can lead the world towards the most frightening situation. This is not an age of risk taking in confronting any country, small or big, because it can go easily out of control inviting other countries making victory impossible.
 We would urge all the big powers to exercise restraint and not to go for a full-blown war knowingly or accidentally, forgetting that many countries have nuclear weapons.
The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will be here in Bangladesh today (6 August) when several MoUs will be signed between the two countries. Prior to his visit, the Bangladesh foreign ministry has also lent its support to the “One China” policy.
But we would have been happy if China or Russia could set better examples by attracting Ukrainians and Taiwanese to their folds. That would have been a matter of pride both for Russia and China. But to invade a country in a show of force is nothing to boast of.
