Seminar on ‘Communication and Media in Good Governance ‘ at DIU

Former Chief Information Commissioner Prof Dr Md. Golam Rahman, media personality Shykh Seraj and Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University along with other distinguished guests at the seminar on "Communication and
Former Chief Information Commissioner Prof Dr Md. Golam Rahman, media personality Shykh Seraj and Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University along with other distinguished guests at the seminar on "Communication and
Campus Report :
The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of Daffodil International University (DIU) has organized a seminar on “Communication and media in Good Governance” on Thursday at 71 Milonayoton of the university. Prof Dr Md. Golam Rahman, Internationally renowned communication expert, former Chief Information Commissioner of Bangladesh and former Professor of The Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Dhaka University was deliver the Keynote Paper as keynote speaker on the seminar while media personality Shykh Seraj, Head of News of Channel i, was present as special discussant in the seminar. Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU was present in the seminar as guest of honour. The seminar was also addressed by Prof AMM Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Prof Dr Farhana Helal Mehtab, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Saleem Ahmed, Head and Sheikh Mohammad Shafiul Islam, Associate Prof of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
The Department, faculty and students of Journalism and Mass Communication congratulated Shykh Seraj on his being awarded the Swadhinata Padak on the seminar.
While presenting keynote paper Prof Dr Md. Golam Rahman said that media could play an associate role for establishing good governance not more than else. Media cannot change day to night or night to day. He gave example and said according to the example that it’s not possible for mass people to reach government. So media uphold their voice to authority of government. Then government implements the demand of mass people. Thus media can establish good governance.
Prof Rahman also said, inasmuch as media play a bridging role between mass people and government, so media have to be more conscious and responsible. The mass media will have to grow as per based on social responsibility, accountability and rationality, he added.
Shykh Seraj said, media could create pressure upon government for good governance when media is decent to his work. So that culture of good governance has to start from home. If good governance were established at home first, than it would be established in society and in the state gradually. Most of the media are engaged with indisposed competition among each other. They don’t follow ethics of journalism. He gave example that once there was series bomb attacks in 64 districts. That time media started competition among themselves to publish those gruesome photos. This bad practice is still going on, added Shykh Seraj.
He also said, we have to skip out from this bad practice. From 2006 I make program about agricultural budget. Farmers are standing in front of policy makers of government by this program.
Addressing as guest of honor Dr Md. Sabur Khan said, once upon a time most of the people wouldn’t confess that agriculture is a profession. But now most of the people acknowledge that and even our young students are now proudly acknowledged that his father is a farmer. Change of this social insight was possible due to the contribution of mass media and especially for Mr. Shykh Seraj. Farmers are the great entrepreneur though most of them have no land but they cultivates others land produce crops. Government has no remarkable initiative for these rural entrepreneurs. He urged the government to allow expanding financial support for them and mass media can play a vital role in this regard.