Road Mishaps Urgent Steps Needed To Avert


Dr Matiur Rahman :
An accident is an unforeseen, unimaginable and unplanned event. But when certain events happen again and again for the same reason, the reasons that are connected to the system or structure, they are no longer accidental or unforeseen. They are no longer common occurrences; rather they become the result of managerial or structural negligence.
Accidents in which innumerable people are regularly injured and killed on the roads and highways of Bangladesh every day can no longer be termed as accidents. These are horror incidents caused by mismanagement or negligence. Death due to negligence can also be considered as death with negligence.
It is shocking to see the statistics of the increasing number of road accidents in the country. According to a report by a private organization, 6,553 people were killed in 4,639 road accidents last year. According to a report by the Road and Safety Foundation, 418 people were killed in 383 road accidents in last year December alone. Among them, there are 66 students. As a result, on average, more than 12 accidents occurred every day. Looking at this picture, it is not difficult to understand how horrible road accident has become.
According to the Passenger Welfare Association, out of the total accidents that occurred in 2021, 2.6 percent occurred in metropolitan areas and 0.7 percent occurred in rail crossings. Reckless speed, dangerous overtaking, faulty road, unfit vehicles, carelessness of passengers and pedestrians, driver incompetence, use of mobile or headphones while driving, driving after taking a drug, poor enforcement of traffic laws are the major causes of accidents.
There is nothing to identify the cause of the road accident. These factors have been identified long ago. But unfortunately, even if the cause is identified, proper remedial action is not being taken. School-college students have staged movements to remedy the cause of the road accident. Although the government has said that the road will be safe and the cause of the accident will be remedied, no real initiative has been taken. The number of accidents is increasing day by day.
Common road accidents can be attributed to the reckless behaviour of drivers, unfit vehicles, excessive speed, unhealthy competition among drivers, loss of control, slow speed vehicles on highways, illegal occupation of roads, illegal parking and pick-up and drop-off of passengers here and there, inadequate traffic system and so on.
Improved transport and road communication system is essential for the development of the socio-economic condition of a country. It is a prerequisite for socio-economic progress. Economic development with improved transport and communication systems are inextricably linked. Also, the improved transportation system carries the identity of civilization. Bangladesh has already become a developing country and is moving forward to become a developed country by 2041. So it is an urgent need to stop road accidents and improve the road and transportation system.
Due to death and injuries caused by road accidents smiles on the faces of thousands of people are getting gloomy every year. Because, regardless of the statistics and financial loss, do we measure the pain of the parents, siblings, relatives or any family member of a person who dies in a road accident? Can we pay the price of grief of a mother over the death of a child? It is not possible to pay the price in any way. Therefore, it is important to consider this issue seriously and take appropriate steps in this regard.
Although many successes have been achieved in the country’s road communication and transport system, more initiatives need to be taken to prevent road accidents. Regular pedestrians and drivers need to be made aware to prevent road accidents. Besides, regular mobile courts have to be conducted. Anyone who drives an unfit vehicle without a driving license must have exemplary punishment.
 It seems that the time has come to pay special attention to the prevent road accidents and saving the lives of billions of people in our country. It is expected that the authorities will take effective steps in this regard with the help of experts in this sector.

(The writer is a researcher and
development worker).
