Rivals clash, ‘ballots run out’ at Hazaribagh centre


bdnews24.com :Supporters of two rival councillor candidates from the ruling Awami League have clashed outside a voting centre at Hazaribagh.The incident took place outside ‘Jarina Shikder School’ at Ward-14 of South Dhaka around 1pm while elections were being held at Dhaka’s two city corporations on Tuesday.Police intervened to stop the fighting between supporters of Awami League-backed candidate Md Selim and renegade candidate Ilias Rahman.”We shot tear gas shells to get the situation under control,” Hazaribagh Police OC Mainul Islam told bdnews24.com. Meanwhile, voters complained that ‘they did not get the ballot papers’ at the Jarina Shikder School polling centre. ‘Belal’, a voter in that area, said poll officials told his wife that they had ‘run out of ballots’. He complained to a magistrate but no act was taken, he said.
