Right To Defense As Valued In Islam


Ameer Hamzah :
Islam has a distinct socio-political and economic doctrine with an aim to establish an exploitation free society where justice will prevail over misjudgments. The word Islam means submission to the Will of Allah and a Muslim is he/she who submits to the Will of Allah. Every prophet has been sent with laws that suited the requirements of that time.
Islam is a way of life, giving one maximum freedom of opinion without encroaching upon the rights of another. To exercise freedom, independence of opinion and will is required. But to what extent the independence of opinion can be exercised, Allah has taught us through the Quran, guidance unto mankind.
Sura Baqarah, Verse No. 30 states when Allah told the Angels that He was about to depute a Viceroy in the earth, they differed with the Allah’s decision and placed their arguments, which Allah, however, did not take into account. The text of the verse is: And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Verily I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein such as shall make mischief and shed blood, while we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee! He said: Surely I know what you know not.
Allah thereafter told the angels to make obeisance to Adam. All did, but Iblis did not. He was of Jinn. Allah asked Iblis as to why he did not make obeisance? Are you proud or belong to the Highest Assembly? Iblis said: Thou hast created me of fire, and him thou didst create of dust. The arrogance of Iblis made Allah irate and He drove Iblis a way from His Mercy.
Allah told Adam and Hawa to live in the Paradise with advice to eat fruits of all trees except the one He pointed to. Iblis heard it and swore to deviate Adam from the right track. He told Adam that Allah has banned fruits of that tree in order to prevent him from being an angel or immortal. Both Adam and Hawa ate the fruits. Allah became angry and held Adam responsible but expelled both from the Paradise and sent them to the earth, which He swore before creation. By that time, Allah taught them how to be repentant and pray for salvation. (Ref. Sura Araf and Ta Ha).
The story established right to defend against charge, to be careful of greed when an evil person suggests.
Adam was shown lots of faces. A face was very bright. Adam said: Who is he? Allah said: He is your son, Daud. I have fixed 40 years for him. Adam said: O my Lord! Increase his age. Allah said! I have fixed 40 years for him. Then Adam said: I give him 60 years from my account. Allah said: This is the matter between you two. After many years, the Angel of death, Azrail, visited Adam. Adam said: I have 60 more years in my account. The angel said: You have given it to your son Daud. Adam denied it. Even his children denied. From that day, Allah promulgated the law of recording every document.
The story established necessity of recording of deed to avoid chaos and confusions over right to property. The best thing is that the story authorizes people right to take decision, as did Adam even in presence of Allah. (Ref: Hadith e Qudsi, Hadith No.234).
Once the Prophet Muhammad (Sm) visited seriously ill Sahabi (companion) Saad bin Akkas (Ra) at Mecca. Saad said: I am a very rich man and my lone heiress is my daughter. May I bequeath two-thirds of the properties? The Prophet said: No. Saad said: Half of the properties? The Prophet said: No. one-third, or a little more, you may bequeath. Do you want to leave your daughter dependent on others? What you will spend for your family members that have enormous return. Even if you give a handful of food into your wife’s mouth, it has great reward. Every good work is sadaqa. The story establishes daughter’s right to paternal properties. (Bukhari sharif in Bengali, Hadith No. 1061.)
The Prophet (Sm) appointed Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (Ra) governor of Yemen. On the day of his departure, he was asked how would he give judgment? Muaz said: I shall try to find solution in the Holy Quran. The Prophet said: If thou get no result there? Muaz said: I shall try to find solution in what thou did and what thou advised. The Prophet said: If there is also no answer? Muaz said: I shall then exercise my wisdom. The Prophet hearing it patted Muaz’s back and said, “Let it be the example of administration through out the world.”
The above stories taken from the Quran and the Hadith are symbols of fair administration. Islam is not unbending. It makes law according to the requirements of time, nonetheless, making no compromise with the basic principles.
What Hazrat Muaz replied to the queries of the Prophet (Sm) made us to think that knowledge and wisdom have no second option. That is why the first word of the first five verses revealed to the Prophet in 610 A.D. is Read, which means study, practice, cram, research and learning. Hazrat Ibrahim (As) also prayed to Allah to increase his knowledge. (ReF: Sura Shuara, V. No.-84).
In the Quran, some verses have both explicit and implicit in meaning. As for example, Allah has enjoined people to visit Mecca on foot and lean camel for performing Hajj. (Ref: Sura Hajj, V-27). Explicitly the two transports were foot and lean camel at that time. Implicitly, all kinds of transports fall within the control of the verse. All are legal carriers.

Ameer Hamzah is a senior
