Imported sun flower oil drums: Retesting of cocaine, neutral investigation demanded

Chittagong Bureau :
Chairman of Jahan Ali Group of Company Noor Mohammad demanded neutral and proper investigation and chemical test of the imported sun flower oil drums where existence of Cocaine is traced .
 These sunflower oil was imported fromBolivia using the name of JahanAli Group of Chittgong by a vested quarter, Jahan Ali alleged.
Port sources said a total of 185 litres of liquid cocaine was found in a container of sunflower oil seized from the Chittagong Port on June 8 last.
Customs sources said they seized 107 drums of sun flower oil from a container at Ctg port .Out of the total drums cocaine was traced in one drum after chemical test, sources said.
Later samples of the seized oil was collected in presence of different intelligence agencies and sent those to two laboratories for conducting tests, she also said. The laboratories found existence of liquid cocaine in the sample, they added.
The Group chairman demanded to enquire the total scandal how one sun flower consignment arrived in the port without maintaining any formalities and fake name.
Nur Muhammad told this reporter that complying the govt rules and regulations, Jahan Ali Group is conducting business with good reputation for the last 30 days and this firm was never involved with the unethical business . He said without fulfilling the existing formalities of imports, how the importer by fake name imported this consignment from abroad which is really a matter of astonishing. He further said any importer is compelled to open L/C in any concerned scheduled bank against import but Jahan Ali did not open any such L/C in connection and we did not aware anything about it. He said it is a mere conspiracy against the reputation of the Jahan Ali Group by alleged import of sunflower oil in their firm’s name.
Meanwhile after first chemical test of these 107 drums sunflower oil by the customs intelligence after seized on June 8 last, Chief chemical examiner Dulal Krishna Saha declared that there are no existence of Cocaine in these drums . Later these sample of oil was sent to highly profiled laboratories where detected cocaine in one drum, sources said.