Refusing religious rites to London killers is a timely decision

BRITISH police on Tuesday published names of the terror trios that murdered seven people on Saturday night around London Bridge in a knife attack before police shot the jihadists dead. It has shocked the world and naturally the Muslims world over since the killers also carry Muslim names pretending to be Muslims.

But in a timely move to denounce the killers the right to claim to be Muslims more than 130 Muslim religious leaders in London city have refused to perform the funeral service of those ISIS linked killers and gave the call to others to join their stance to denounce them as Muslims. We hope the message will be straight.

Youssef Zaghba, a Moroccan-born Italian man, was identified Tuesday as the ringleader of the trios that carried out the mayhem. The other two attackers were also Muslims by names. East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre Chairman said the decision to deny them the religious rites was made at the right time because terrorism is against the core teaching of Islam and of Prophet Muhammad. One can’t kill innocence people for any cause. They have rightly vowed that London Muslims will be active to resist such conspiracy against the Muslim community in Britain and western countries.

Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is also a Muslim in an article in the London Evening Standard on Monday condemned the killing again saying Muslim population was overwhelmingly disgusted by this act. This must be a crystal-clear message around the world: The sick and wicked ideology of these evil extremists is no form of Islam. He unequivocally denounced them and their twisted beliefs. In this background, the decision by Muslim religious leaders has been seen as an “unprecedented” move because the funeral ritual is typically performed on a deceased Muslim no matter the person’s past actions. The religious leaders call on others to deny the religious rites to such killers now and for any time in future carries far reaching impacts.


We must say, as the Muslim religious leaders in London have said this is a conspiracy against Muslims in Britain and in other western countries. The so-called jihadists are creation of Israel to defame the peaceful Muslims living in those countries branding them as criminals to isolate them and ultimately to expel them from those countries. This will be a big success to people treating Muslims as their enemies.

Had these Jihadists been championing the cause of Islam, they would naturally target Israeli establishments killing helpless Palestinians in their homes as they are continuing the illegal occupation of their land. But these criminals are tolerating the enemies of the Muslims and it shows their real identity behind the so-called Muslim names.

Britain is the peaceful abode of the Muslims where they are members of a multiracial community working for the prosperity of all. But terrorists activities by some namesake Muslims are bound to irritate racial tension and this must be taken care of by the community leaders all over Britain and other European countries.
