Record wheat production likely in Rangpur zone

BSS, Rangpur :
A record wheat production is likely in Rangpur agriculture region as the tender plants are growing excellent after the enthusiastic farmers exceeded its fixed farming target this season, official sources said.
The farmers have finally brought 31,005 hectares of land under wheat cultivation against the fixed target of farming the crop in 24,528 hectares of land to produce 72,840 tonnes wheat exceeding the fixed cultivation target by 26.41 per cent this time.
The vast tracts of wheat fields have now worn eye-catching greenish looks everywhere in all five districts under the agriculture region predicting an all-time record and bumper production of the cereal crop during this Rabi season.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, the tender wheat plants are growing excellent amid favourable climatic conditions and the enthusiastic farmers taking adequate care of their crop fields to achieve better yield.
Horticulture Specialist of DAE Khondker Md. Mesbahul Islam said the farmers have exceeded the fixed wheat farming target by 26.41 per cent by bringing 6,477 hectares of more land under its cultivation this season in all five districts under the region.
“Wheat farming has become popular and more profitable as the farmers achieved its repeated bumper production with lucrative price in recent years and again, exceeded the fixed cultivation target this season,” he added.
The DAE, Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC), Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) and different agriculture related organisations have taken adequate steps to make wheat farming programme successful.
Rangpur Regional Additional Director of the DAE Saiful Islam said adequate quantity of quality wheat seeds, latest technologies, training, fertilisers and other inputs have been provided to the farmers to achieve the fixed production target.
The farmers have mostly cultivated high yielding BARI Gom 26, Pradip, Bijoy, Protiva, Sotabdi, Sourav, Gaurab, Swarna and other wheat varieties using the latest conservation agriculture (CA)-based technologies after getting excellent production in recent years.
Adviser- Agriculture of BRAC International (South Asia and Africa) Dr M A Mazid expressed satisfaction over expanded wheat cultivation by the farmers in recent years and predicted bumper production of the cereal crop this season.
“The farmers have been getting bumper wheat production in recent years following expanded cultivation of high yielding, stress-, high temperature- and disease- tolerant wheat varieties adopting the latest CA- based technologies,” he said.
In the pasts, wheat production was being affected due to adverse impacts of high temperature on its farming from flowering to ripening stages for late sowing of seed after harvesting late variety Aman, use of low quality local variety seeds and other reasons.
“However, farmers are sowing high quality, disease resistant and stress- tolerant wheat seed timely using the latest, mechanised and low cost technologies after harvesting the short duration Aman rice to get bumper production,” Dr Mazid said.