Record Bangladeshis lodge asylum applications to EU countries


Staff Reporter :
Record numbers of Bangladeshi asylum seekers lodged applications to the European countries in 2021, sources said.
About 20,000 Bangladeshi applied seeking asylums in countries like, United Kingdom, France, Norway and other countries of the European Union and beyond in the year.
People who are under life threat for political or other causes from different countries used to seek asylum to the developed countries in Europe and America every year.
As per the annual report of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) it was the highest number of applications since 2014, the year from the record keeping started in this regard.
It was 77 per cent more than the applications in 2020.
Meanwhile, the data showed that Bangladeshis have ranked lowest in the list of recognition in those countries.
The report said that the authorities have settled about 16,300 Bangladeshis asylum applications in last year.
About 96 percent
of those applications have been denied, the EUAA report said. Only four percent of the applicants got permissions to live in EU plus countries under subsidiary protection in the year.
Meanwhile, about 35pc of average asylum seeking applications have been granted last year.
Eritreans secured the top position (81pc) in getting asylums in those countries followed by Yemenis (79pc), Belarus (75pc), Syrians (72pc), and Afghans (66pc). As per the law, the denied asylum seekers can appeal for reconsiderations against their first term’s instant denials.
 The report also said that minor asylum seekers also were record number last year.
