Readers’ Voice


Impacts Of Social Media

Many of us use different social media applications to stay in touch with the world and keep ourselves updated on current affairs. Unfortunately, many people have taken advantage of the absence of controls on social media to promote hateful or indecent content. Every day, I come across vile trends that reflect poorly on our ethics and ethos. The freedom to speak our minds on social media is gradually transforming us into an uncivilised and mannerless society. Whilst dissent is key for societal progress and change, the language and expression used are worsening and must be regulated. Online controls and regulations must be implemented to prevent people from targeting individuals, initiating smear campaigns, and trending unnecessary things.
People should be informed on the healthy use of social media and the difference between disrespect and dissent. Local online platforms can play an important role by imposing restrictions/controls on the misuse of sites.
People often enjoy the clout they receive for their misbehaviour on social media. To combat this, everyone must try to dissuade such individuals. Around the world, social media and other online platforms are used to improve connectivity, learn skills via free courses, undertake freelance work, and more, which helps both the individual and society. Therefore, we must also use online platforms to engage in productive activities and stimulate our minds.
Insaf Ali
By Email

Ban Smoking In Public


With the exception of certain places, the Tobacco Control Act provides the provision of ‘designated smoking zones’ in public places and transports with multiple compartments. That is the reason why smoking is widely observed in various public places and public transport. As a result, it is not possible to protect the populace, especially the women and children, from the harms of secondhand smoke.
Smoking should be completely banned from all types of spaces those are not enclosed by walls including restaurants, hotels, public places, workplaces and mechanical transports with multiple compartments as well as all non-mechanical public transport.

Mehedi Hasan
