Readers’ Forum


Leadership During COVID-19 Crisis

Leadership is defined in times of crisis not in good times. This is when the character of the leader in exposed. So, how you step up during these times, how you focus on your decision and take necessary steps during these times are going to define your character coming out of these times.
Now, we are living in the time which is uncertain and highly stressful. Covid-19 crisishas left thousands of people jobless. During this pandemic leaders from all around the world are facing challenges constantly. The leaders of Bangladesh should try hard to maintain their mounting work life challenges and staying alert about the rapid changing policies. At the same time with an increased prevalence of mental health issues experienced by workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic, leaders need to recognize that their employees may need additional psychological help. Leaders should give additional focus on monitoring for sings of struggle like distress, poor performance. They should communicate with their employees openly regarding their problems. Because emotional support involves letting employees know that they are being cared and they will feel comfortable discussing work and nonworking-related challenges.

Ayesha Rizwana Aurthy
Department of Business Administration
