Readers’ Forum


Reviving the art of conversation

We are so busy with the daily grind that there is no time to talk even to family. Most of us may not remember the last time we were blissfully lost in conversation. Conversations have a magical effect on us as they feed our hunger for close relationships, a need we share and desire to fulfill. But conversations have become a rarity now; blame it on a social-media obsessed world, time constraint or fiercely competitive and super-busy lifestyles. And our brief exchanges mostly happen while multitasking – sending e-mails, surfing the net, replying to whatsapp messages, watching TV and so on.
We are so busy with the daily grind that there is no time to talk even to family. Face-to-face conversations are thus becoming a thing of the past. Our society is taking us away from people to a world of technology. And we are trying our best to learn the latest, instead of nurturing relationships. In the midst of all this we seem to have lost the art of soul-filling conversation.
But all is not lost. We can develop those lost connections with a bit of effort. Reducing digital time, being courteous and spending quality time with near and dear ones and calling up and visiting them can help boost this art and keep conversations alive.

Jayashree Kulkarni
Abu Dhabi
