Readers’ Forum


Preventing landslide-deaths

More than 150 people have been killed in the past two days in the CHT due to the incessant rainfall, including four army personnel. Several others are injured.
The vulnerable people of these areas build makeshift houses without taking any permission from authorities. But the government also lacks proper plans and policies regarding the building of houses or makeshifts in the hill tracts. Tragedies such as these occur because there aren’t enough rehabilitation facilities. Strong punishments for building houses in forbidden areas aren’t in place and the government does not follow up on the repercussions of natural disasters until casualty figures rise to alarming levels.
The deaths of these innocent people will be the subject of much discussion in talk shows and media reports over the next few days. We extend our condolences to family members of the deceased.
We doubt whether it will lead to any sustainable solution for the problem. Will proper landslide prevention facilities be put in place now, to protect the lives of those who live in the hill tracts?

Md Abdur Rashid
Agargaon, Dhaka
