PCT to resolve increasing demand of container handling very shortly

Chattogram Bureau :
The container handling in Chattogram Port has been alarmingly increasing day by day . In last year, 26 lakh 67 thousand and 202 TEUs containers were handled in the port in last fiscal and the target estimated at about 30 lakh TEUs in current fiscal.
In last 11 years, no yard or jetty was constructed under CP and Patenga Terminal is the only hope of handling the increasing demand o container handling.
With the target of completing the works of the new Patenga Container Terminal (PCT) by December next year, the actual construction works of the PCT launched from Febrauary last though the earth filing works begins in September last year.
 Engineering core of Bangladesh Army implementing the project at an estimated cost of Tk1800 crores. The PCT is situated in between Chattogram Dry Dock and Boat Club on river bank of Karnaphuli. Omera Oil company and Red Crescent base depot are situated beside the proposed PCT.
A reliable sources said, Omera oil depot / Red crescent base office Marcemtile Fisheries Directorate office and Customs House office are supposed to be shifted from the present location to the adjacent areas of Laldiarchar container terminal .
Executive Engineer of Chattogram Port Authority Mizanur Rahman told that Engineering Core of Army established works camp in the proposed area in January last . He further said the rehabilitation works of the existing installations in the proposed area is yet to be started .
These installations supposed to be rehabilitated behind the Laldiarchar container yard. After completion of r e habilitation works, the construction works will go in fullswing. Chairman of the CPA at a view exchange meeting of Port Day recently said there is no alternative to PCT to mitigate the container congestions and increasing trend cargo handling and the port users will get results of the PCT next year, he hoped. Port chairman further disclosed that after completion of PCT, the works of multipurpose Bay Terminal will be launched .  
Engineering deptt of the port sources said this PCT project is being implemented at a cost of Tk.1800 crores. The terminal will have four berths. Out of four , three berth will have 200 meters long for container vessels and remaining one is Dolphin oil jetty of 220 meters long.
The total areas of the PCT is about 26 acres o f land. Engineering deptt sources said there will be a railway track for carrying containers, locomotive sheds and the depth of the berths approximately 9.5 meters. Sources said beside the PCT, the proposed projects viz. Bay Terminal, Laldia Multipurpose Terminal and Karnaphuli Container Terminal.