Online Education Let The System Be Accelerated


The digital education raises a question whether this education can reach all the students or not, as the Chittagong Hill Tracts is a geographical region with poor signal even in high altitude and inaccessible areas. In such a situation, having a signal for internet speed is like a dream. At the same time, poor people do not even have mobile phones or have such any. If they have only one mobile phone in their house with two children studying, then what would be if both have online classes in the same time and same arrangement? Due to this, problem in studies may have occurred usually.
It is true that the education sector has been greatly affected due to Corona. It will be a big challenge for the Education Department to overcome this loss in the coming days. Before announcing the lockdown in the country due to the corona epidemic, the government first declared the educational institutions to be closed. This was a commendable step of the government from the security point of view because students in these institutions is very crowded or, due to which, if a person was infected, then there could have been a big danger for that entire institution. Digital education is currently being adopted. Apart from adopting the online education option, no other option is available with the Education Department at this time. If we talk about the education of college students, then their future is stuck in the balance due to Corona. Now the college students were to have examinations, after which the final year students had to give other competitive examinations, but the college exams are still not seen in most of the institution but a few private institutions had taken this step in time. Even many colleges have decided to promote first and second-year students without or by taking a so-called examination, but still conducting HSC final year student’s examinations will be a big challenge for the education department because while conducting the exam Special attention should also be paid to physical distance, sanitation and mask etc. It is not possible to get examinations because of the present circumstances and it is also necessary to protect the health of students.
All educational institutions in the country have been lifeless for more than three months. Online education is the solution as well as the challenge. It is clear that a big question has been raised by the Corona crisis in front of the education world. Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, research work in universities is closed. Sports, cultural activities, art-related programs etc. are also stopped. This crisis of Corona is not going to end soon. In our country, there has been a plan of online education in the education sector for a long time which has now come into effect with the corona epidemic. There were some small efforts to run online education, but due to this epidemic, online education should have started on a large scale, it could not be overcome by technical problems or else it has become a challenge for students to get an education through the digital medium. In this challenge, students should not face any problem. At this time, everyone is well aware of the problems facing the students, due to which government has implemented the summer holidays with immediate effect to avoid this problem so that education will be done smoothly in order after the corona ends. But the department will have to make such arrangements that the physical distance requirement is also fulfilled and the traffic is also reduced.
It is obvious that connectivity problem is often there in villages and tribal areas. At the same time, poor students may also have problems with mobile data spending. Since online education has become the only way to keep the education system going internally at present, we need to think about how to improve this issue and all the issues related to it.

(Sabuj Bhattacharjee writes on education).
