Obama writes to Xulhaz family

Dhaka, Tribune :
US President Barack Obama has written to the family members of slain LGBT rights activist Xulhaz Mannan extending his condolences over the killing. The letter was
handed over to the family members of Xulhaz on Thursday morning by the director of USAID mission in Bangladesh, Minhaz Mannan, the elder brother of Xulhaz, told the Dhaka Tribune.
Minhaz said that the letter dated May 5 took some time to reach their hand for some formal procedure. “We were not in a position to receive the letter till date. “However, we have received it now and are thankful for his feelings,” added Minahz. In the letter, a copy of which the Dhaka Tribune has obtained, President Obama said: “Michelle and I join in heartbreak and grief and we extend our deepest condolences.