No MCQ in PEC exams from this year


Staff Reporter :
The government has decided to scrap Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) system in Primary Education Completion examination from this year to check question paper leakage.
Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman said this in a press briefing at Secretariat on Tuesday morning.
The decision was taken as per few recommendations placed by the educationalists recently to prevent question paper leaks in public examinations.
The minister said, “Three or four months is no matter. The PEC examination will be held in November. Any reform can be possible in one or two months. So, there will be no problem.”
“The ministry sent letters to the primary schools across the country and asked to follow the ministry’s order,” he said.
The students are taught according to the syllabus, so the question will be made from it, he said.
The minister said also that successes have been achieved by new techniques to prevent question paper leak during the ongoing Higher Secondary Certificate examinations.
Earlier, the minister announced the result of scholarships in the Primary Terminal Examinations 2017.
