NGOs demand for increase WASH budge

Business Report :
Eight Non Government Organizations (NGOs) demanded equitable allocation and reduce gap for WASH budget.
The international NGOs Water Aid, UNICEF, Fresh Water Action Network South Asia, Bangladesh Wash Alliance, Bangladesh Water Integrity Network and Forum for Public Health Advocacy came to the demand at a press conference at Dhaka Reporter’s Unity (DRU) on Saturday.
Among the organizers of the national budget for the fiscal year 2015-16, the Head of Policy and Advocacy, Shamim Ahmed presented highlighting the comparative figures of the last 9 years of Wash allocation in the national budget.
The representatives of the sectors working on water, sanitation and hygiene sector raised their issues through the adoption of specific projects to increase the allocation on city water, sanitation and hygiene sectors quickly to reduce the disparity in the allocation of a proportion of government allocations. Given the government’s commitment to implement international policy and adequate budgetary allocations to ensure remote and disadvantaged sectors of the implementation of the development plan, wash rights and long-term budgetary allocations to specific demands of this sector will also have to be addressed.
Speakers at the press conference noted that the budget for 2015-16 fiscal year in the national budget allocated on average per-capita of BDT 617 and BDT338 for health and education, for water, sanitation and hygiene sector allocation per capita is only 293 BDT. However, with a vision 2021 in order to see the country become a middle-income nation, allocation in the national budget will have to be balanced.t