News In Brief


Annual meet of four organisations held  
Bagerhat Correspondent
A meeting to create a common idea with four organizations namely Sachetan Nagarik Committee, Swajan, Yes and Yes Friends of Bagerhat SANAC was held in Barakpur Jubo Proshikkhan Kendra on Saturday morning with SANAC President Prof Chowdhury Abdur Rob in the chair with a view to creating awareness among the people to eradicate the corruptions from all the sectors of the societies and as well as from all sectors of the country and to establish good governance, accountability and transparency everywhere. The meeting started with the playing of national anthem and the theme song of TIB. The welcome address of the meeting was given by Adv Md Shah Alam Tuku, convener of the 4-partes observance committee. Prof. Chowdhury Abdur Rob, Convener , Education Sub-Committee sector, Babul Sardar, Convener, Health Sub-committee Sector, Principal Saif Uddin, Convener of the local Government sub-sector and Adv S M Nawroj Mohit, Convener of Land sub-sector discussed their performances in their respective sectors of the last one year. The meeting was addressed among others by Principal Khondokar Asif Uddin Rakhi, Shakir Hossain, Dildar Hossain, Zakir Hossain, Rehana Parveen, Suruj Khan and Mehedi Hasan. The meeting was rounded off with a colouful cultural programme.
Four presumed drug traders held in Palashbari
GAIBANDHA: Detective police arrested four alleged drug traders including a female with 320 pieces of yaba tablets conducting a drive in Muraripur area under Betkapa union of Palashbari upazila of the district on Sunday. The arrestees were identified as Javed Ali, Rashidul Islam alias Lal Miah, Baten Miah, and Jabenur Begum. Acting on a tip-off, a team of Detective Branch of police conducted the raid in the area and arrested four suspected drug traders with yaba tablets, police officials familiar with the drive said. A case was filed with Palasbari Police Station in this connection. Later, the arrested were sent to jail by a local court as they were produced before it, reportys BSS.
Debiganj Fire Station foundation stone laid
PANCHAGARH: The foundation stone of Debiganj Fire Service Station, to be built by Public Works Department at a cost of Taka two crore and 45 lakh, was laid here on Saturday. Local lawmaker Advocate Nurul Islam Sujon formally laid the foundation stone of the fire station at a function as the chief guest. Addressing the occasion, the parliament member said the present government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is relentlessly working for welfare of the people. The function was addressed, among others, by Debiganj Upazila Parishad Chairman Hasnat Zaman Chowdhury and assistant director of the fire service and civil defence Aminur Rahman. Mirja Sakhawat Hossein, executive engineer of the Public Works Department, presided over the function, reports BSS.
Youth held with 15 molotov bombs, Yaba in Faridpur
FARIDPUR: Members of Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) in a drive arrested a young man along with 15 molotov bombs and Yaba tablets from Goalchamot area of the district town yesterday morning. The arrestee was identified as Shahriar Hossain Shanto, 22, son of Shahdat Hossain of Char Krishnapur village. Tipped off, a team of Rab-8 conducted a drive and arrested Shanto along with the bombs and 90 pieces of Yaba tablets, said Md Rois Uddin, additional superintendent of police and company commander of RAB-8. The arrestee was wanted in seven cases, said the Rab official, reports UNB.
