News in brief

Britain uniting around Brexit: May
AFP, London
Prime Minister Theresa May said Sunday that Britain was beginning to unite behind Brexit, 10 months after the divisive referendum that saw the country narrowly vote to leave the European Union.
“This year, after a period of intense debate over the right future for our country, there is a sense that people are coming together and uniting behind the opportunities that lie ahead,” May said in her Easter message.

Yemen fight for Red Sea base leaves 25 dead
AFP, Mokha
At least 25 soldiers and rebels have died in clashes around a key military base near Yemen’s west coast, military and medical sources said Saturday.
Loyalist forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition launched an assault to seize the Khaled Ibn Al-Walid base from Shiite Huthi rebels and their allies who had controlled it for over two years, military sources said.
20 migrants drown off coast of Libya
Reuters, Rome
At least 20 migrants trying to reach Europe drowned on Sunday in the Mediterranean off the coast of Libya, a Reuters photographer said.
Photographer Darrin Zammit Lupi, who is aboard the rescue ship Phoenix, said he saw 20 bodies while a dinghy was being helped by the crew of the ship, run by the Malta-based Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS).

Philippines, US to hold annual military drills
AFP, Manila
The Philippine military said Sunday it would hold annual exercises with US troops next month, reaffirming its commitment to the alliance despite cooling relations under President Rodrigo Duterte.
The 10-day exercises will be the first held under Duterte, who has suggested cancelling the drills and called for the withdrawal of American troops, putting into question Manila’s 70-year-old alliance with Washington as he looks instead to court China.

Assad is an ‘arch-terrorist’: British FM
AFP, London
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an “arch-terrorist” and it is time Russia realised he is “literally and metaphorically toxic”, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Sunday.
