Moral education for social upliftment

Md. Atikur Rahman :
The youths are being victimized in the current society. Along with unemployment, lack of morality and humanity education, infiltration of culture, easy access to drugs, our future generation brings youth to the horrible danger. Many people are falling prey to education; they are becoming overwhelming, alcoholics, rapists and terrorists. Again, many educators are unable to protect ethics, religious and social values, due to consumer and greedy mentality. As a result, they are going to be hostile, rustic, bribe, man killers, rapists and fighter animals. Again, some distorted people have to pay a lot of risk to the happiness of the child, to many foolish children. Where else, the stranger is seen lying on the side of the road. Humanity and policy less morally, this society is actually stepping us in a dire danger.
It is clear through mass media news, murder, rape and fraud that daily justice, humanity, morality and justice have passed. The humanity’s view of each animal in one animal is visible, and people do not have it. So, I think people will have to practice human and morality again, for the needs of human beings. To cultivate a healthy society, one should cultivate the principle of morality and values. Because there is no alternative to the study of human and morality in order to ensure that our future generation is growing well and feeling bad about them. To implement this, everyone will have to work together. Which seems to be more important for the society and the country at the moment? No healthy natural person can do bad things like murder, rape and cheating. But in our society, such social crimes and indecent indignities are increasingly unimaginable.
There is a case of gang rape in the bus, a girl is being raped by her husband, and she is being raped by her husband. As well as incidents of sexually assaulting and spreading nude video on the Internet are also seen. Which is really scary? On the other hand, the killers are not killed by killing people, even after killing; they are not hesitant to send their video to relative. Such horrific events are increasing day by day.
As a result, our four-pillared social system is also being attacked by a variety of social disorders. Among them rape is one of the most. Every day there are many pages of newspapers on the subject of sexual harassment, rape, or horrific incidents of murder after rape. Which has emerged as an epidemic in the current society? The child who is not able to survive on this journey can not survive. The student is not safe to his father-in-law teacher, classmate to his classmate; the self-styled girlfriend does not hesitate to entrap her friend in the rape. Such mental disorders and social unrest are becoming increasingly visible day by day. We can not save anyone from this. So, at the time, all of us have to take necessary initiative to solve the problems.
What is seen about the ethics of traditional textbooks is very small; in fact, the taste of the mind is not filled with the taste of the tongue. Today in our society there are many boys and girls and men who are facing many threats due to lack of proper practice of morality. Inevitably or unknowingly, a danger that can happen suddenly, which can give its decorative beautiful minds and lives to the shelf of the vacuum.
So I think government, society and related people should create separate issues or fields to gain knowledge of ethics for all people of the society. In addition to motivating them in various ways in morality. Where they can study all kinds of moral education from their personal life to social life?
Besides, women and girls should be self-motivated to make them strong in power, to continue their development in society, to beautify their own lives beautifully, to become prey to no one, and to never think of themselves as weak, rather to adopt moral education to think of homosexuals. If people are educated then they are educated, if they are educated then people should be civilized and have moral qualities. Society is about to be nice but where is that morality in society? All the relations of the society have become contaminated. Today, social ties are in the face of disaster. But why this disaster.
Earlier people were not very educated, but there was humanity or socialization among them. The social bond between them was very strong. Now the question is how often the changed education system can give us moral education? Today, the path of immorality has opened the way for children to check the 5th grade. Uncertainty children do not want to read for the exams, thinking when they get question papers, when they will go through the exams.
Nowadays, often hear question papers or leaks. I can not see the need for a test if the question paper is leaked. The best way to duplicate it. Falsity is to play at least intelligence and cleverness, confidence can be increased. But self-confidence in question paper leakage has dropped below zero.
The current education system has transformed the education into education. The topics related to education are now one of the businesses. Maybe I can not explain why education is turning into trade, but still try. Specially known for our district mango, our economy is a lot like mango-centric. Usually, we do not give any medicines that we keep for eating at home. It is poisoned only for business purposes. I used a shampoo for a long time to keep the mango tree. And these are harmful to our body. In the same way, in the current education system, using poisonous shampoo is being educated and released on the market.
Today, someone has to learn ‘A-A-B-1-3-3’ with money. Today every student is given a teacher of every subject. But there are many students of my age who have never been a teacher outside of mathematics and English. It is also only for a few months. Today, the ability of the present school-college teachers is money, their identity is very much like this – this is 7 lakh teachers, this is 5 lakh taka. After some time, they became confused about private teaching, opening up the coaching center. Students go to coaching reading without looking up. The teachers of these 7 lakhs, 5 lakhs will teach morality? Parents spend more than half of their earnings – for children’s education.
Higher education does not make people human, they become arrogant. Most proud people live in arrogance. They do not want to count the less educated people. If you look at all aspects, sometimes I think it is better not to have such education system, because it is better not to be. It’s nothing but dissipation.
Our original education system, which was not as advanced as the English, was pretty much beautiful. Then there was mutual respect. Still do not have there is, but it comes from learning from the family. The family is taught to salute the teacher, they will have to obey. Their place after parents but now the education system institutions are giving it moral teachings? How long can the family teach these moral teachings?
Today, we are highly educated, that is to take English education abroad. But when we look at China, Japan, they have their own educational system. In this way they became dependent. They improved. When they give examples of promotion they get priority first. But we are always foreigners, that is, every time we accept the British education system. We are losing our own home every day. If you lose your personalities, there will be no introduction.
The little salaried government employee is teaching the English medium school to make the boy Elite’s class. While reading that, he is doing corruption, accepting bribe. The entire society system is getting disadvantaged. The education that is going to become inhuman in itself, is there any value of education? What is needed?
Parents want the future of their child to be bright But how many parents want that her child’s character be bright Parents use children to fulfill their unfulfilled dreams. In order to determine the future of the child is sad.
Education is no longer innocent has been acclaimed. Education means trade. Become a school teacher, be a college teacher. Tens of millions of income a month. Coaching business has started. The unemployed boys open the coaching business without getting any action. And every year, human beings make the ballad 5 questions about 4 Common. Now the coaching centers in the question paper store shop. These coaching arrangements are being played with the confidence of boys and girls. In the present education system, no one is able to read the book. Cow children are usually slightly independent, but the child’s child does not have that freedom.
It seems to me that before the change of the current education system, it is important. If possible, cancel the test of class five and the eleven. After class five and eight, they can be given some social work. For example, plantation may involve social responsibility.
Because if the class five and eighth test does not get any more, the frustration is sinking. Sometimes I try to suicide. So they need question leaks. The whole system is flashed for this. The results of the son’s are good, but they are not seen as well as the character of his son. It is important to see the fault of the inferior guardian. The current education system does not improve the mind, but it seems to be applying. As long as the mind does not improve, the society will improve. Which seems to be more urgent?

(Md. Atikur Rahman, Columnist & Head PR at BUFT).
