Month-long sports competition at Rooppur NPP


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :
To mark the 77th anniversary of victory at Great Patriotic War in 1945 (2nd world war), Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation of Russia (General Contractor of Rooppur NPP) has arranged a month-long sports competition titled “Project Manager’s Cup” at the Rooppur NPP construction site at Ishwardi.
Over 400 sportsmen representing different local and foreign companies working for the country’s nuclear power project are contesting in 13 sport categories including basketball, athletics, badminton, volleyball, chess, darts, table tennis, football, tennis, billiards, bench press, tug-of-war and arm wrestling.
The media competition of Rasatom has informed about the sports competition on Saturday night. Project Director Dr Shaukat Akbar confirmed this information. Prizes will be awarded to individual and team winners at a prize-giving ceremony on May 7, the closing day of the competition.
“Rooppur NPP stands first among the construction sites under the Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation, to host such sports contest in 2022,” emphasized Alexei Deriy, Vice President, ASE and Director of the Rooppur NPP construction project. æI hope the spirit of the competition will be taken forward to the construction works of our project.”
 “We are glad that the sports-oriented activities at the Rooppur NPP construction site are taking place systematically, and this sports contest is an acknowledgement to this fact once again,” said Natalia Shafalovich, ASE Vice-President for Personnel and Internal Communications. æAt this point not the number of athletes is important, but the fact that sports have teamed up all the specialists involved in construction of Rooppur NPP construction, more than ever before.”
Rooppur NPP will be equipped with two Russian VVER-1200 reactors with a total capacity of l 2400 MWe. This is an evolutionary generation III+ design which fully complies with all the international safety requirements.
