Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, Managing Director & CEO of NCC Bank Limited and Maruf Alam, Chairman of iclique Group, exchanging document after signing an agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Under the deal, Credit and Debit card holders of the bank will enjoy faster, convenient and secured card services through implementation of this up-graded software. Moreover, it will help to integrate with different channels relating to Digital Banking Platform. Senior officials from both sides were present.

Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, Managing Director & CEO of NCC Bank Limited and Maruf Alam, Chairman of iclique Group, exchanging document after signing an agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Under the deal, Credit and Debit card holders of t
Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, Managing Director & CEO of NCC Bank Limited and Maruf Alam, Chairman of iclique Group, exchanging document after signing an agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Under the deal, Credit and Debit card holders of t