Misinformation must not deter use of the vaccine


WITH the spread of misinformation about health, fitness and diets, people are in risk of public health as they follow misleading information in social media. While it is wise to follow sound health advice to stay healthy and fit, the trend of obsession with health tips dished out on online platforms. Such information undermines doctors’ response to patients and endangers preventive and social health.
After someone with shallow and incomplete knowledge of a health problem posts some advice or solution on a social-media platform lay people without verification accept and start practicing them. At some stage, in many cases, they end up facing serious health consequences. So-called experts post health-related contents on Facebook and YouTube to earn money online as more viewers of online platforms mean more money generated. Such experts also resort to advertisements to promote sales of dietary products like canned foods, juice, vinegar, vitamins, proteins and food supplements, leading to a buying spree among their followers.
Such unscientific and wrong advice or tips are costing followers dearly. Many end up developing heart or kidney complications or having a fatty liver leading to cancers and thus losing their productivity and counting more medical expenses. Under certain conditions, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council allows telemedicine and online-based medical education and counselling by registered doctors using online platforms like apps, websites, Facebook, messenger and WhatsApp. Some people with profit motive prepare contents on popular issues like health, fitness and diets and release them via social media outlets. Sometimes content creators copy their contents from Western sources but they are largely unsuitable from the perspective of health and life of Bangladeshis.
Public health experts urged to stop the worrying and crazy trend. A law enforcement group is tasked with monitoring of the online contents but they largely focus on rumours, public safety issues, extremism and controversial religious issues. Every effort must be made to make the vaccines as safe possible.
