Miscreants loot cattle laden truck


Jhenaidah Correspondent :
A gang of miscreants on Sunday midnight looted 12 cattleheads with the truck stabbing the driver and putting sleeping pills in to the mouths of the cattle traders near Chariarbil area on Jhenaidah-Kushtia Highway under Sailkupa police station of Jhenaidah.
The driver and four of the unconscious cattle traders were rushed to Jhenaidah Sadar hospital. Of them condition of the driver Shariful Islam, son of Ainuddin of Abalpur village under Kotchandpur upazila was stated to be critical. the hospital sources said.
Injured Joynal Hossain of Dingaidah village in Chuadanga Sadar upazila said, the driver with a helper and four cattle traders started their moving at about 11.00 PM on Sunday from Chuadanga. The driver stopped the vehicle to remove some troubles in the way. After an hour at about 12.00 or 12.30 AM some eight to nine miscreants equipped with Ramda and other sharp weapons swooped on them and put sleeping pills in their mouths.
They tied all the five with ropes and started beating up. They also stabbed the driver Shariful Islam who lost his sense. Later, on Monday morning , they found themselves in the hospital bed. The sense of the three cattle traders were not regained till Monday noon, the said.
Sailkupa police station officer in charge Tarikul Islam when contacted said, the fire fighters have rescued the five and sent them to Jhenaidah Sadar hospital in the morning of Monday.
The police have been investigating the matter and rescue the cattle heads, the police sad.
