Minor girl killed after rape in Katiadi


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
A 9- years old girl was killed after rape by miscreants in a jute field at Lohajuri village in Katiadi Upazila of Kishoreganj on Friday.
The victim was identified as Sadia Akhter Toni (9) daughter of Md. Channu Miah in Lohajuri village of Katiadi Upazila. She was a student in class three of Lohajuri Government Primary school in Katiadi.
Locals and Police sources said, she went for fishing in the old Brahmaputra River with his father on Friday. When it started to rain, her father sent her back to home. Three hours later, her body was found in a jute field with her hands and feet tied with scarf.
Sadia’s uncle said, I think my niece has been gang-raped. I want justice for this incident. Katiadi Police Station Officer-in-charge (OC) Shahdath Hossion said, on information Police rushed to spot, body recovered and sent to Kishoreganj General Hospital morgue for autopsy.
SP in Kishoreganj Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) told the New Nation that an autopsy report will confirm whether the child was killed after rape.
