Readers' Forum: Mere promises not enough


Raushan Ershad speaking at a programme in the capital’s Diploma Engineers Institute on March 27, 2014 said that she would quit politics and not contest the parliamentary election anymore. She said that she had actually no plan to contest the January 5 general elections but due to unavoidable circumstances, she had to. Her participation was not voluntary.
But as a matter of fact she did not have to contest, the posts were served to her on a platter. If she is not interested in politics, for God’s sake why is she not resigning now?
By those words she will not be able to get any sympathy from the people for her selfish desire, she had trampled on the hopes of 16 crore people and had thrust the country to an unstable condition. Her acts would not draw public sympathy.
Her husband Hussein Mohammad Ershad staged a drama to fool the people, they are two sides of the same coin. People do not expect any good from them, they want to be left alone.
Let us wait and see how Rawshan (Ershad) prove herself. Is she true to her words or talks in the same way as her husband (Ershad) does.

Nur Jahan