Medina Charter World Famous Humanitarian Law


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Islam being a religion of peace, it becomes necessary for us to sideline or neutralize those who have tried to interpret its fundamental principles in a manner that has aroused fear of the faith among the followers of other faiths. Today as also in the times ahead, it is important that the religion be reclaimed from those who have commandeered it in their narrow interests and let the world know once more that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) preached the unity of all men. It was an idea he based on tolerance and respect for other beliefs and other principles.
After the migration to Medina, the Prophet (pbuh) established the world-famous ‘Medina Charter’. The Medina Charter is basically a treaty. This agreement is a unique document containing the details of protection of fair rights and responsibilities by eliminating all attempts of sectarianism, tribal arrogance, bigotry, regionalism, authoritarianism in the name of gods and goddesses. The Medina Charter was the keynote address of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The people of Medina i.e. Jews, polytheists, Muslims are all equal citizens. Everyone will have their own freedom to follow their religion. Conspiracies cannot be hatched against one another. No one will declare war on anyone without the permission of the Prophet (pbuh). If Medina is attacked by the enemy, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect it. Violators of this charter will be considered enemies of Medina. Montgomery Watt calls this document the establishment of human rights in his book- Muhammad at Medina, the Constitution of Medina. This historic treaty does not mention any geographical boundaries of Medina, but rather includes people of different identities and will include future Muslims who emigrate to Medina, making it a milestone in the establishment of human rights.
The mission of the Prophet (pbuh), the embodiment of unique character and ideals in the establishment of human rights, has been observed since his birth and was effective till the last day of his life. He set a unique example of brotherhood by placing Hazrat Aswad in the right place at the Kaaba on the basis of equality. Only for the liberation of humanity, he gave up the pleasures of the world and meditated in the cave of Hera. Thus, before his prophethood, he took a novice life in establishing human rights, and only 23 years after his prophethood, he became an icon in the history of the world by setting an example of liberation and peace at every level of society. By setting an example of the system of liberation and peace at every level of society, he became famous in the history of the world. The next activities of the Prophet in the establishment of human rights have been stated as follows: No battle in the life of the Prophet (pbuh) was aggressive. According to historians, the Prophet himself led 26 resistance wars and conducted 56 expeditions led by the Companions to maintain the security of the people’s lives and state peace. After its propagation and spread, the Prophet (pbuh) signed numerous agreements with the heads of government of different countries, which are milestones in the establishment of world peace. Muhammad (Sm) built a state system that established a zakat-based economy that guaranteed the basic needs of the people. The formation of a society based on the Qur’an created a stable environment at that time, during which no criminal charges were filed in the courts during the next two and a half years, even during the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr. He also made a unique contribution to the emancipation of human civilization, the liberation of the ‘female’ nation, one of the artisans of society, and the establishment of dignity, which is a unique example for the next world. Education is the backbone of the nation. He even called on the people of Madinah to educate the prisoners of war in Badr as a ransom.
Another of the Prophet’s achievements in establishing human rights is the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Apparently the knee-jerk treaty seems to have shocked the beloved Companions for psychological reasons but Allah the Almighty Himself called it a ‘clear victory’. According to historians, such a compromise was very rare. The Quraish who drove so many people out of their homes, who forced war on the Muslims, who still did not allow them to enter the Haram Sharif, and who even returned the sacrificial animals they carried, are the hypocrites, the aggressors who bring the aggressive polytheists to such a sudden truce. There was an initial victory for this which later led to a greater victory. The far-sighted great man saved humanity from an extremely bloody situation by accepting this treaty as a sacrifice of the smallest interest for the greater good, albeit with some concessions. In view of this, on the way back to Madinah, Allah Almighty declared the final victory.
The conquest of Mecca by the Prophet (pbuh) is also a shining example of human rights. Victory deprives people of knowledge in all directions, makes heartless in the fire of vengeance but the Prophet, manifested in the epitome of forgiveness, set an example of a vigilant watchman in the conquest of Mecca in the security of human life and property. The Farewell Hajj speech is also another unique example of the Prophet’s establishment of human rights. Even in his last speech at the end of his life, he was immersed in the trouble of liberating humanity. Finally, he proclaimed the ultimate precept of Islam, the only provision for the establishment of human rights from Allah.

(Dr. Forqab is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP).
