Many Zimbabweans hopeful of better future after Mugabe

Zimbabweans weighed an uncertain future Thursday without President Robert Mugabe after the army took power and placed the 93-year-old, a liberation hero turned authoritarian leader, under house arrest.
Many citizens have not known a time without Mugabe, who has dominated every aspect of public life since coming to power in 1980 on the country’s independence from Britain.
The nation was left stunned after the veteran president was confined to his residence late Tuesday as soldiers took up positions at strategic points across Harare and senior officers commandeered state television.
The Southern African Development Community bloc, currently chaired by Zimbabwe’s neighbour South Africa, was to meet in Botswana later Thursday to discuss the dramatic situation.
Though nothing has been heard from Mugabe or his wife Grace directly since the start of the army operation, many Zimbabweans are hopeful that the crisis would mark the beginning of a more prosperous future.
“Our economic situation has deteriorated every day-no employment, no jobs,” Tafadzwa Masango, a 35-year-old unemployed man, told AFP.
“We hope for a better Zimbabwe after the Mugabe era. We feel very happy. It is now his time to go.”
Harare’s residents have largely ignored the military presence on the streets and continued commuting, socialising and working, while analysts speculated that Mugabe and the army could be negotiating a transition.
Derek Matyszak, an analyst at the Pretoria-based Institute for Security Studies, said he expects Mugabe and the military are thrashing out a handover to a new head of state.
“Mugabe can still stay in the country. I think they would like to present him as a liberation icon and accord him due respect,” he said.
“The difficulty, and this has always been the difficulty for the Mugabe family, is guaranteeing Grace Mugabe’s safety… on the demise of Robert.”
The international community is watching the next phase of the crisis closely.
On Wednesday the African Union issued an unusually terse statement that said the situation on the ground “seems like a coup” and called on the military to pull back and respect the constitution.
Britain, Zimbabwe’s former colonial ruler, called for calm and warned against handing power to an unelected leader.
“Nobody wants simply to see the transition from one unelected tyrant to the next,” said British foreign minister Boris Johnson.