Mamunul to play for Sourav’s team


Captain of Bangladesh National Football team Mamunul Islam will play for Sourav Ganguly’s team Atletico de Kolkata. He will play in the Indian Super League and will stay in Kolkata for three months. Earlier, legendary footballers Kazi Salahuddin and Monem Munna played in the foreign leagues.
Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club has given permission to Mamunul Islam to play in Kolkata, the capital city of West Bengal. All the preparations have been completed for the footballer to take part in the Indian football competition.
Mamunul Islam said, “I signed in the agreement to play for the team. Only the final formalities have not yet completed.”
Mamunul Islam refused to say how much he would get to play for the Kolkata club.
Mamnul said, “Money is not a factor. The important mater is to play there. I feel proud that as a player of Bangladesh, I can take part in a foreign football competition. The other player of Bangladesh will get chance to play in foreign leagues in future.”
