Maize cultivation exceeds target in Manikganj


Manikganj Correspondent :
The farmers are interested to cultivate the maize in a large scale in their land so the cultivation of maize in all seven upazilas of the district has been exceeding the fixed target this year too.
The farmers are getting maximum production and reasonable market prices of their products.
Cultivators of the district are expecting a bumper production of maize as the favourable weather was prevailing during the current season. They also got seeds, fertilizers and other inputs timely for cultivation of maize.
Department of Agriculture Extension sources said, the maize cultivators have been achieving bumper production for several years in the district.
The sources said, maize cultivation is gaining popularity day by day in all seven upazilas of the district. The target of cultivation has been exceeding every year in the area. Specially, the lands of char areas are being cultivated maize in a large scale which was remaining uncultivated previously.
The Department of Agriculture Extension sources said maize is now one of the highest cultivated cash crops in the district and it is being cultivated in all seven upazilas of the district. The easy cultivation, less irrigation and much demand in the markets is the main cause of popularity of maize cultivation, the sources added. The multipurpose use of maize is also one of the reasons behind the maize cultivation. The maize is sold in the market round the year. The green leaves of maize are used as cattle fodder. The sticks of maize are also used as fire wood in the rural areas. The immature maize plants are used as cattle fodder.
Manir Uddin, one of the maize cultivators of Char Bailjuri village under Ghior upazila said he had cultivated maize in five bighas of land this year. After harvesting the first time cultivated maize he will cultivate maize in the same land for the second time, Munir uddin added. Most of the maize cultivators like Munir uddin cultivate maize twice in the same lands. The early cultivated maize has already been matured and will be started to harvest soon.
The Department of Agriculture Extension sources said that the target of cultivation of maize was fixed at 15,600 hectares with a production target of 1,31,040 metric tones in the district, adding that the target is already achieved and the cultivation is continuing. Last year the target of cultivation of maize also exceeded.
