Commentary: Life matters and abuse of gun by police must be stopped

Editorial Desk :
The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed wants to reform the police. We welcome this. His fight against corruption in police can’t be won if police can’t be kept outside political corruption. Fight against corruption has become a cliche. So he must fight for police autonomy like in Western countries where it is unthinkable to use police for election robbery. This single act has done immeasurable damage to the respectability of the police.
He also urged the police to be the people’s police. Conceptually the police are for the protection of the people. To be known as enforcers of law is a great honour and great responsibility.
As law enforcers police should not kill robbers or any criminal. Because the law says nobody is a criminal unless found so by the court after trial. The law is for the police to produce an accused in court and supply the court with trustworthy independent evidence so that his crime is proved. Very recently news reports came and we also commented that four dacoits were killed by the police. We accept the version that they were real dacoits. But as law enforcers, by killing the
dacoits, the police did not act as law enforcers. As law enforcers their lawful duty is to keep the criminals alive for producing before the court for the trial of criminals. In this case they acted as court and punished them as judges. Police are not judges.
Even if they were dangerous dacoits what was the hurry to kill them illegally? We have so many agencies to catch them alive. There will be no need for all these agencies specially trained to follow the criminals and arrest them while they are alive.
In America many black people were subjected to killing. But the killing of Floyd by police produced angry protests all over the Western world and in many other countries. It is still going on. These protests were joined by whites also. The common slogan raised by the protesters is: Black Lives Matters.
The I.G. of police has quite rightly said police brutality has to be stopped. But it is thought generally that the police apply force whether necessary or not necessary. Police brutality is very much connected with corruption. We are anxious to respect police as people’s law enforcers for the protection of the people. Let there be separate police for so called VIPs.