Lecture on criminal justice system of USA at NUB

Campus Report :
The Faculty of Law, Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) organized a lecture on ‘Criminal Justice system of USA: A Comparative’ on Saturday. Prof Dr Mokerrom Hossain, Professor of Virginia State University, USA delivered the lecture.
Dividing the lecture in two parts, firstly he focuses the criminal justice system of USA and its development, followed by a question answer session. Dr Hossain emphasized that the distinction between the criminal adjudication of USA and Bangladesh rooted in their historical development and administrative structure of the state.
Prof Mokerron suggests that Bangladesh should be pragmatic making any criminal laws. Bangladesh is still maintaining the colonial criminal administration is justice which is responsible, in many aspects, for the improper administration of justice.
Around two hundred students of law and the faculties of the Department of Law were present in this program. Prof Dr Anwarul Karim, Pro-Vice Chancellor, NUB was the chief guest of this program. Dean of Law of NUB chaired the occasion.