James performs at students welfare concert in Gaibandha


Entertainment Desk :
Rock legend Faruq Mahfuz Anam, popularly known as James and his band Nagar Baul travelled to Gaibandha yesterday evening and performed the song I Love You. They performed at the Student Welfare Concert 2022
at Shah Abdul Hamid Stadium in Gaibandha. The
concert was organised by Public University Student Association of Gaibandha (PUSAG), said a press release.
While talking about organising the concert, one of the members of PUSAG, said, “PUSAG is an organisation
of students from Gaibandha who are
studying in different public universities in the country. The money earned from this concert will be spent on the welfare of the meritorious students of the district.
The money will also be spent on those students who cannot get admission due to insufficient funds or cannot continue studying due to financial problems.”
