Investment, institutional support for groundwater development stressed


Business Desk :
Groundwater has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives and be the world’s insurance policy against climate change, according to a global report.
The report mentioned groundwater could help communities cope not only with slow onset impacts like drought and irregular rainfall, but also provide resilience to rapid onset impacts like floods by ensuring safe water is available for all, including in schools and hospitals.
The report titled “Groundwater: The world’s neglected defence against climate change” jointly released by WaterAid and the British Geological Survey (BGS) emphasised that investment, knowledge, expertise, finance and institutional support is required for groundwater development to secure lifesaving, sustainable and safe water and sanitation for communities living on the frontline of the climate crisis.
On World Water Day, WaterAid has called to reduce groundwater usage which is often over-extracted by people and industries when it is not regulated. This drives competition for water and impacts the amount of water available for drinking and washing.
The major consequence of unregulated and unsustainable groundwater use is that it deepens inequality and may run out at a time when people need them most, says the report.
